Indiana Knife Laws

Indiana law Regarding Knives and Bladed Weapons

Information is subject to change and we are not lawyers.

Current as of June 08, 2021

Indiana Code Title 35. Criminal Law and Procedure § 35-47-5-2.5

Sec. 2.5. (a) As used in this section, “knife” means an instrument that:

(1) consists of a sharp edged or sharp pointed blade capable of inflicting cutting, stabbing, or tearing wounds;  and

(2) is intended to be used as a weapon.

(b) The term includes a dagger, dirk, poniard, stiletto, switchblade knife, or gravity knife.

(c) A person who recklessly, knowingly, or intentionally possesses a knife on:

(1) school property (as defined in IC 35-31.5-2-285);

(2) a school bus (as defined in IC 20-27-2-8);  or

(3) a special purpose bus (as defined in IC 20-27-2-10);

commits a Class B misdemeanor.  However, the offense is a Class A misdemeanor if the person has a previous unrelated conviction under this section and a Level 6 felony if the offense results in bodily injury to another person.

(d) This section does not apply to a person who possesses a knife:

(1) if:

(A) the knife is provided to the person by the school corporation or possession of the knife is authorized by the school corporation;  and

(B) the person uses the knife for a purpose authorized by the school corporation;  or

(2) if the knife is secured in a motor vehicle.

Concealment Exceptions in Indiana

Although you don’t have to have your knife concealed or partially concealed when clipped to your belt or pants, there are some exceptions to this leniency. You are not allowed to carry or reveal a knife on school property, school buses, nor in airports, courthouses, or any of the places where it states that it’s strictly prohibited. Under Indiana Code 35-47-5-2.5, violating these laws would be a Class B misdemeanor.

What is Legal

  • Balisong knives are legal.
  • Bowie knive are legal.
  • Dirks, daggers, and stilettos are legal.
  • Assisted knives are legal.
  • Disguised knives like cane knives, lipstick knives, and belt knives are legal.
  • Switchblades and other automatic knives are legal.
  • It is legal for anyone over the age of 21 to carry any knife type, concealed or open, including swords and karambits.
  • As of April of 2023. (Chinese) throwing stars are legal in Indiana. The law prohibiting throwing stars has been overturned. Throwing stars carry the same restrictions as other legal knives.

The state of Indiana does not impose strict restrictions on the knife or blade length. Some localities of the state do not allow carrying knives with a blade longer than eight inches.

Indiana State does not have statewide preemption of local ordinances with respect to the carry and possession of knives. Some municipalities within the state may have their own ordinances that may be more restrictive than the state law. 

For instance, South Bend and Westfield enforce a general ban on carrying the knife within the limits of public parks. Whereas, Merrillville forbids concealed carry of all knives except for ordinary pocket knives with blades no longer than 2 inches. 

What is Illegal

  • Ballistic knives are illegal.  (to possess and/or manufacture and/or sell)

Burns ind. Code ann. § 35-47-5-12 (2017)

Restriction on Carry

There are no limits to concealed or open carry as long as you do not bring a knife to school. The Indiana state code is available for anyone to read online but the excerpts below contains the code as well as an explanation.

Can a Minor Carry a Knife in Indiana?

As per section 35-47-2-7, an individual cannot sell, transfer, or give any deadly or dangerous weapons or knives to any person under 18 years. A minor under 18 years of age can possess a dangerous knife only if he/she has permission from the parent or guardian.

But now,” he said, “take your money and a traveler’s bag. And if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one! Luke 22:36

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