Practical Home Defense Curriculum

Cost: $80 a month (No contracts), 2 classes each month 3-4 hours each, Check the calendar for dates, times, and topics.
Home Defense Layers: Deter, Detect, Deny
-Exterior Defense Layers:
- Line of Site, Approach Angles: Obstacles, trees, shrubs, cars
- Fences, Gates, Dogs
- Cameras, Motion Lights: Location, how many
-House Layer, Points of Entry:
- Doors, windows, locks, hinges, sensor alarms
-Interior Defense Layers:
- Secure Zones/Rooms
- Interior Doors, Locks
- Scenario Action Plans
-Individual Home Defense Actions:
- Family member job assignments
- Room clearing (1 & 2 man)
- Escape route planning
- Secure zone perimeter defense
- Communication: Law Enforcement, Family, Intruders
-At Home Defense Strategies vs Coming Home to Possible Intruder Strategies:
- When to clear your home vs when to wait for police
- Risk Assessment: Risk vs reward
-Use of Force: Indiana Laws:
- Castle Doctrine
- Stand Your Ground
- 4 Pillers of Justifiable Force
Individual Defense Training
Proactive Preparedness
- Room Clearing Tactics (1 & 2 Man)
- Areas of Work
- Hard Pointing
- Dynamic vs Deliberate
- Cover vs Concealment
- Awareness: Situational, Behavior, Environmental, Adrenal
- OODA Loop
- Cooper’s Color Code
- Setting a Baseline
- Pattern Detection
- Pre-Assault Indicators
- Exercises to Strengthen Your Awareness
- Use of Force
- 4 Pillars of Justifiable Force
- Team Communication
- Code Words, Non-Verble Commands
- Team Tactics
- Movement, Objectives, Covering
- Combative:
- Weapon use, weapon retention
- Open Hand
- Fight, Flight, or Freeze
- When to Fight vs When to Leave
- Less-Lethal Options
- Vehicle Fighting (weapons, non-weapon)
- Use of Firearms:
- Rifle, Pistol
- Col. Cooper’s Gun Safety Rules
- Range Rules
- Proper Handling of Firearms, Loading, Unloading
- Drills, Qualifiers
- De-escalation Techniques
- Stop the fight before it begins
- Medical Trauma Training
- Tourniquet
- Chest Seals
- Wound Packing
- Splints
- Basic First Aid
Home Analysis and Recommendations
We Come to You
- Evaluation of security
- Principles of defense layers
- Establishing secure zones
- Recommendations
G.O.O.D. (Get Out of Dodge) vs Bugging In
Bug In vs Bug Out
- Bug Out Bags vs Get Home Bags
- Vehicle Setups
- Route Planning, Location Scouting, Purpose
- Land Navigation/Map Reading (Topographic, Road)
- Compass